Jesus charts

The Christ Charts

Around the Cross We See . . .
Behold the Lamb of God
Christ – Our Example
Christ – Our Great Power
Christ – Our Ransom
Christ – Our Substitute
Christ - The Boy of Nazareth
Christ – The Coming One
Christ – The Foundation
Christ – The Giver of Sight
Christ – The Greatest
Christ – The Light
Christ – The Objective of Life – 1
Christ – The Objective of Life – 2
Christ – The Objective of Life – 3
Christ – The Secret of Spiritual Life
Christ – The Separator of Time
Christ – The Son of God
Christ – The Stone
Christ – The Substitute
Christ – The Superior One
Christ – The True One
Christ – The Victorious Over-comer
Christ – The Way
Christ – The Word
Christ – The Worthy One
Christ & the Inwardness of Things
Christ Did Not Forget
Christ in 1 Peter
Christ in Hebrews
Christ in John 1
Christ in the Home
Christ in the Mountain
Christ is . . . 1
Christ is . . . 2
Christ is . . . 3
Christ’s Attractability – 1
Christ’s Attractability – 2
Christ’s Authority
Christ’s Legacies to His Disciples
Christ’s Love
Christ’s Prayer in Gethsemane
Christ’s Suffering at the Hands of Men
Christ’s Suffering in His Body
Declared to Be the Son of God
Eight Questions about Christ’s Death
Facts to Know About Christ
Father, The Hour is Come
Fifteen Things Done to Christ
Five Compliments of Christ
Great Things Jesus Taught
He had a Different Kind of . . .
He Went About Doing Good
His Own Received Him Not
How Christ Sees Us
How do You See Christ?
How Jesus Grew
How Jesus Wants Us to Walk
How Some Saw Christ
How the Master Taught – 1
How the Master Taught – 2
I Must Be about My Father’s Business
Jesus Came with a Mission
Jesus Christ – Our Kinsman-Redeemer
Jesus Had a Different Kind of . . .
Jesus Has Meaning to All – 1
Jesus Has Meaning to All – 2
Jesus Has Meaning to All – 3
Jesus is the Christ of His People
Jesus’ Plan for Our Salvation
Now That Christ Has Died
Seven Facts about Christ’s Death
Some Men Who Failed Jesus
Some Things Jesus Taught Us
Ten I Am’s Of Christ
That I May Know Him
The Blood of Christ
The Changeless Christ in a Changing World – 1
The Changeless Christ in a Changing World – 2
The Changeless Christ in a Changing World – 3
The Crown of Christ
The Footsteps of Jesus – 1
The Footsteps of Jesus – 2
The Head of Christ
The Headship of Christ
The King of the Jews”
The Lord’s Return
The Lost Christ
The Master Teacher Masterfully Taught
The Perfections of Christ
The Perfectness of Christ
The Pre-Eminence of Christ
The Rebukes Of Christ
The Rejected Christ
The Risen Lord
The Secret of Jesus Work
The Touch of Christ – 1
The Touch of Christ – 2
The Work of Christ
The World’s Greatest Gift
Things That Moved Jesus to Compassion
Threefold Crucifixion
What Christ Has Need Of
What Crucified Christ?
Who is Jesus of Nazareth?
Who is Jesus? – 1
Who is Jesus? – 2
Who is This?
Who was in the Manger? – 1
Who was in the Manger? – 2
Who was in the Manger? – 3
Who was in the Manger? – 4
Whom Say Ye That I Am?
Why Did Christ Die?
Words from the Cross